Fly spray is a necessary but expensive part of owning a horse during the summer. So how can you make the most of your fly spray and save some money along the way?
1. Buy In Bulk
The cost of a bottle of concentrated fly spray may seem staggering at first. But take the time to calculate out what the concentrate equates to in terms of the cost per bottle and you'll likely find that you can save money - and a good deal of it, too - by buying your fly spray in concentrate form. Your savings may be even greater by buying a larger bottle of the concentrate, as long as you know that you'll put it to use. To mix up the concentrate, pick up a funnel, a measuring cup, and a plastic spray bottle from your local discount store.
2. Invest In Quality
When choosing what type of fly spray to buy, purchase a quality fly spray that is effective and long-lasting. When you're using a quality fly spray your horse will need fewer applications, meaning that you'll go through less product.
3. Wipe, Don't Spray
Have you ever sprayed your horse with fly spray, only to have the wind blow most of it back into your face? Fly sprays, while convenient, result in wasted product every time you apply them with a spray bottle. Instead, designate a rag as your "fly spray rag." Spray the fly spray right onto the rag, then wipe it onto your horse. You'll waste less of the spray and can even apply it to hard-to-reach areas of your horse, like his ears and jawline.
4. Check For Coupons
Before you buy fly spray, check for coupons to further reduce its cost. Look up the manufacturer's website and Facebook pages for special offers, and don't forget to check the pages of regional magazines for occasional offers and coupons from local tack stores.
What ways have you managed to save money on fly spray?
Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sk8geek/4560965157/in/photolist-7X393i-gp4b9D-6vnnGC-8aX14m-2m2KiW-HdYLd-coWge3-9K7hGE-dseSGc-hBQrsf-7SFvAo-BGTCo-ezgJmw-ezdCXF-5df34Z-f3TMcb-2ePzEW-5S8H7y-jvgdxw-jvhyLY-jvearX-jvgczE-jvfnJt-jvggZb-jveqDa-jve8fx-dpQueZ-fiYkHD-ezdxcT-jvgrEo-jvgfYo-jvfCAx-jvhyuq-jvfD84-jveh5B-jvhA5u-7SKpaT-4pSis3-bYeGU9-9xRfja-4wkTix-jvegBH-jvhNXo-ezdxqt-mGt63g-mGt5xi-mGuQ5q-jveoUt-jvfoq8-jvhB7Q
1. Buy In Bulk
The cost of a bottle of concentrated fly spray may seem staggering at first. But take the time to calculate out what the concentrate equates to in terms of the cost per bottle and you'll likely find that you can save money - and a good deal of it, too - by buying your fly spray in concentrate form. Your savings may be even greater by buying a larger bottle of the concentrate, as long as you know that you'll put it to use. To mix up the concentrate, pick up a funnel, a measuring cup, and a plastic spray bottle from your local discount store.
2. Invest In Quality
When choosing what type of fly spray to buy, purchase a quality fly spray that is effective and long-lasting. When you're using a quality fly spray your horse will need fewer applications, meaning that you'll go through less product.
3. Wipe, Don't Spray
Have you ever sprayed your horse with fly spray, only to have the wind blow most of it back into your face? Fly sprays, while convenient, result in wasted product every time you apply them with a spray bottle. Instead, designate a rag as your "fly spray rag." Spray the fly spray right onto the rag, then wipe it onto your horse. You'll waste less of the spray and can even apply it to hard-to-reach areas of your horse, like his ears and jawline.
4. Check For Coupons
Before you buy fly spray, check for coupons to further reduce its cost. Look up the manufacturer's website and Facebook pages for special offers, and don't forget to check the pages of regional magazines for occasional offers and coupons from local tack stores.
What ways have you managed to save money on fly spray?
Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sk8geek/4560965157/in/photolist-7X393i-gp4b9D-6vnnGC-8aX14m-2m2KiW-HdYLd-coWge3-9K7hGE-dseSGc-hBQrsf-7SFvAo-BGTCo-ezgJmw-ezdCXF-5df34Z-f3TMcb-2ePzEW-5S8H7y-jvgdxw-jvhyLY-jvearX-jvgczE-jvfnJt-jvggZb-jveqDa-jve8fx-dpQueZ-fiYkHD-ezdxcT-jvgrEo-jvgfYo-jvfCAx-jvhyuq-jvfD84-jveh5B-jvhA5u-7SKpaT-4pSis3-bYeGU9-9xRfja-4wkTix-jvegBH-jvhNXo-ezdxqt-mGt63g-mGt5xi-mGuQ5q-jveoUt-jvfoq8-jvhB7Q