Detangling knotted and matted horse tails has to be one of the most trying jobs ever. Especially in the summer - it seems like every time you're just about ready to get a knot out, a fly comes along and your horse just HAS to have his tail back, and there goes all your work.
Whisper's quite talented in turning her tail into dreadlocks, so she was the perfect horse to try out Corona's Detangler & Shine. This one-quart bottle came ready to go to work, and I figured it had more than enough product in it to get the job done a dozen times over.
Well, not quite. While the Detangler & Shine definitely worked, I found that I had to use far more product than I'd guessed. During our first tail detangling session, I used about 1/5 of the bottle. Since most of the time I only rely on products if Whisper's tail gets REALLY bad, this isn't such a big deal, but if you have a dozen horses to groom, you'll probably need multiple bottles of this spray.
I did really like the design of this bottle. It sits very easily in your hand, is easy to grip even if your hands are slippery, and the spray nozzle provides a strong and continuous spray. It will take up more room in your grooming kit than other products, but for the convenience factor I'd say it's worth it.
Whisper's quite talented in turning her tail into dreadlocks, so she was the perfect horse to try out Corona's Detangler & Shine. This one-quart bottle came ready to go to work, and I figured it had more than enough product in it to get the job done a dozen times over.
Well, not quite. While the Detangler & Shine definitely worked, I found that I had to use far more product than I'd guessed. During our first tail detangling session, I used about 1/5 of the bottle. Since most of the time I only rely on products if Whisper's tail gets REALLY bad, this isn't such a big deal, but if you have a dozen horses to groom, you'll probably need multiple bottles of this spray.
I did really like the design of this bottle. It sits very easily in your hand, is easy to grip even if your hands are slippery, and the spray nozzle provides a strong and continuous spray. It will take up more room in your grooming kit than other products, but for the convenience factor I'd say it's worth it.
While the Corona Detangler & Shine did work and was effective in detangling Whisper's tail, I had to use a lot of it to do so. The spray has a very artificial sweet "Blooming Meadow Scent" to it, which I could have done without, especially given the flies that are so abundant right now. According to the label, this spray helps to prevent sun-bleaching, and also repels dust, dirt, and stains. I don't know that I'd agree with it repelling dust, dirt, or stains - the product left both my hands and Whisper's tail sticky.
All in all, this product isn't my first choice as a detangler, as I've used other products that seemed to work better and that didn't have the stickiness or sweet scent of this product.
You can learn more about Corona's Detangler & Shine on the Manna Pro website.
All in all, this product isn't my first choice as a detangler, as I've used other products that seemed to work better and that didn't have the stickiness or sweet scent of this product.
You can learn more about Corona's Detangler & Shine on the Manna Pro website.