This fly mask is truly designed with a horse's comfort and safety in mind. I love the fact that there is a soft foam padding at the edges of the poll and the noseband to help prevent rubbing and irritation. The mask features two strips of strong, adjustable Velcro which keep it securely fastened - I've had it on Whisper for almost two months now, and the mask hasn't come off once. Additionally, the mask provides great coverage - it comes down well under the chin, and the underside is elastic, so your horse can still chew and flex comfortably.
Throughout daily use, this mask has continued to hold up well. It hasn't ever collapsed down onto Whisper's eyes, as other masks do, and it's definitely made of durable material. My guess is that this mask will likely last the entire season, at least at the rate that it's going.
If I had one criticism of the mask, it would be that it's not quite as visible as some of the other masks out there. This mask has a tight weave, which is advantageous in that it keeps even the tiniest bugs out. You can still see through it (yes, I tried), but I think I would like it even more if the visibility were improved just a tiny bit. Still, I have no qualms about turning Whisper out with the mask on in the daytime, and she doesn't seem at all bothered by it.
The Horze Fly Mask with Ears retails for $19.95 and is well worth the investment.